"Step-by-Step Guide: Creating an IAM User in AWS for Secure Access Management"



To create an IAM user, you can follow these steps:

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console: Go to the AWS Management Console  and sign in with your AWS account credentials.

2. Open the IAM Service: Once you're signed in, search for "IAM" in the AWS Management Console search bar and select the IAM service.

3. Navigate to Users: In the IAM console, click on "Users" in the left navigation pane.

4. Click on "Add user": On the "Users" page, click on the "Add user" button.

5. Set User Details: In the "Add user" wizard, provide a name for the user in the "User name" field. You can also choose to enable programmatic access if the user needs access to the AWS API, and/or select AWS Management Console access if the user needs access to the AWS Management Console.

6. Set Permissions: In the "Set permissions" step, you can choose to add the user to an existing group with predefined permissions, or you can directly assign permissions to the user by creating a new group or attaching policies.

7. Review and Add Tags (optional): You have the option to add tags to the user for better organization and management. This step is optional but can be helpful in larger environments.

8. Review and Create: Review the user's details, permissions, and tags on the review page. If everything looks correct, click on the "Create user" button to create the IAM user.

9. Access and Save Credentials: Once the user is created, you'll see a confirmation page. Make sure to save the access key ID and secret access key for the user, as they will be required to access AWS programmatically.

You have successfully created an IAM user. The user can now sign in to the AWS Management Console (if enabled) or use the provided access key and secret access key to programmatically access AWS services.

"How can I regain access to an IAM user if I have lost the login credentials?"


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